178 Million Americans Have at Least One Missing Tooth
If you have one or more missing teeth in Newtown, CT, you’re not alone. Since tooth loss is so prevalent, modern tooth replacement solutions are not only better than have ever been before but are also ever-evolving. Our team of periodontists offer the latest in long-term tooth replacement solutions: dental implants. At Advanced Periodontics and Implant Center of Connecticut, we offer permanent dental implants to improve the oral health, functionality and appearance of your smile.

What is the Difference Between a Periodontist and a Traditional Dentist?
General Dentist vs Periodontist
Dr. Amato explains some of the cases where it might be necessary to see a periodontist rather than your regular dentist.

Dr. Amato Talks about General Dentist Vs. Periodontist
(What’s the difference?)
Modern Technology for Precise Dental Implant Placement
Investing in the lasted dental implant technology, our team is highly skilled in using the i-CAT® cone beam CT scanner. This imaging technology captures 3D images of your oral structures within just seconds. More detailed images allow us to create more precise dental implant treatment plans. Paired with advanced dental implant software, each implant surgery is planned before treatment even begins. Following this digital guide, each implant placement offers confident and long-lasting results patients can trust.
Our Dental Implant Process
Before determining dental implants are your ideal tooth replacement solution, you’ll have a one-on-one consultation with one of our skilled periodontists, Dr. Richard Amato or Dr. Michael Kang. Next, we’ll schedule your surgical visit. If you need treatment prior to receiving your dental implants, we offer bone grafting and tooth extractions in-house for your convenience. During surgery, we’ll place a titanium implant post into your jawbone using computer-guided implant placement technology.
Depending on the implant solution you choose, your treatment site may be allowed to heal before returning for a secondary appointment to expose the implant post and attach a prosthetic restoration. In some cases, specifically Teeth-in-a-Day®, you can receive a functional restoration the very same day as your initial surgery. Either way, the goal is to provide you with a seamless and functional smile in Newtown, CT that will last!

- Dr. Amato Talks about the importance of placing dental implants

Trusted Dental Implant Specialists
Whether one tooth, multiple teeth or a full arch of missing teeth, our team of dental implant specialists offer over 30 years of experience placing dental implants. Using modern dental technology and a patient-centric approach to each procedure, we strive to offer the highest standard of care to each patient whether for a single implant, implant-supported dentures or full arch of dental implants.
How to determine if you are an Ideal Candidate for Dental Implants
While dental implants in Newtown, CT are feasible options for those who have missing teeth or those seeking to improve the aesthetic appearance of their smile, they may not be viable option for everyone. Dr. Richard F. Amato and his staff at the Advaced Periodontics and dental Implant Center of Connecticut, LLC want to ensure patients have all pertinent information, when determining eligibility for suitable dental implant candidacy, potentially allowing patients to improve the quality of their smile and outlook on life.
Quick Guide: Dental Implants vs Dentures
According to statistics presented by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, almost 70 percent of adults are missing at least one tooth. Not only are most people who are missing teeth more self-conscious, they also often have trouble speaking or eating properly. Fortunately, there are steps a person can take to restore his or her smile. Dental implants and dentures are the two most common treatments.
Top Ten Questions To Ask About Dental Implants
Dental Implants are a fantastic treatment for patients that are missing one or more teeth or who are going to lose their teeth. The look, feel, and functionality of dental implants are the closest thing you can get to your natural teeth. However, having dental implants placed is a surgery that you should take very seriously.
What the Dental Implant Process Looks Like
You’ll begin your journey to a striking new smile at a consultation with Dr. Richard Amato, who will determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants based on several factors. Later, you’ll return for the first of two visits during which your placement will be completed. At the initial appointment, Dr. Amato will extract any deteriorated teeth that need to be replaced before inserting durable titanium posts into your jaw. Each of these acts as a root for an implant crown.
A few months later, once the post sites have healed, we’ll have you return to our office for a follow-up visit. Dr. Amato will remove the gum tissue that has naturally grown over the implant sites before adding an abutment (connector) and crown atop each post. Your crowns will match the surrounding teeth and look completely natural. With your new teeth in place, you’ll be ready to begin enjoying life again without the hassles of decayed or missing teeth!
With more than two and a half decades of experience in placing dental implants—from a single implant to one or two full arches—Dr. Amato is the professional to entrust your new smile within Newtown, CT.
Implant supported dentures are a reliable alternative to dental implants that some patients find are better suited to their needs. If you already have dentures, we may be able to retrofit them to attach to implant posts. Should you decide to go with dental implants in the future, your posts will already be placed!
Complete smile restoration in just one visit is possible with Teeth-in-a-Day. We’ll place your implant posts and top them off with attractive temporary crowns that will enable you to eat and speak normally—and smile proudly—in just one visit. No more missing teeth! Later you’ll return for your permanent restorations.