Can Dental Implants Give Me A Permanent New Smile?

Close-up 3d image of a dental implant

Traditional dentures can be used to restore missing teeth or damaged teeth. However, over time, they can become loose or ill-fitting. dental implants in Monroe, CT, however, give patients a stable and comfortable new smile because they are placed securely in their jawbone. Not only are dental implants super versatile, they can give patients a permanent and new smile.


Continue reading to learn more about how dental implants can give patients a permanent new smile.


How Do Dental Implants In Monroe, CT Give Me A Permanent New Smile?


Dental implants provide patients with a permanent new smile because the dental implant post is designed to act like a natural tooth root. When the dental implant post is placed in the patients jawbone by a skilled dental professional, it not only stimulates the jawbone tissue, promoting it to grow strong and healthy, it also becomes a permanent part of their smile when it fuses with the jawbone tissue through a process known as osseointegration.


Once the dental implant posts are secured in the patient’s jawbone, and the abutment is placed, the customized prosthesis can be attached. Compared to unstable and unreliable traditional dentures, dental implants give patients a sturdy and permanent solution to their missing teeth.


Dental implants will not slip, they look and function just like natural teeth, and they allow patients to smile and speak with confidence, as well as enjoy their favorite foods again. With dental implants, the patient’s quality of life will be improved.


Come To Our Office For Your Permanent Dental Implants In Monroe, CT


If you are ready to restore the look and function of your smile with dental implants, then you have come to the right place. Get in contact with our doctors, s, Dr. Richard Amato and Dr. Michael Kang and our exceptional team at our office by Monroe, CT to schedule your consultation today!


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