Painful gum surgery is a thing of the past. With LANAP, you can bring your gums back to health with the advanced technology of laser therapy. LANAP stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. This is the first laser surgery to treat gum disease that is minimally invasive.
Gum disease used to be treated like typical surgery. The doctor would cut away the gums to bring restore the health. This would involve gum grafting and other techniques to ensure the health of the soft tissue. This surgery would involve cutting and stitching, which allows for bleeding and pain. With the laser therapy, the laser deteriorates all of the diseased tissue, to restore the soft tissue health. Laser therapy being minimally invasive means there is no need for stitches anymore and limited bleeding.
Gum disease is experienced by a lot of the population and generally, people do not realize how serious gum disease can become when not treated. Identification is the first step to understanding gum disease. If you are experiencing symptoms of red and inflamed gums, bleeding gums, sensitivity to temperatures, you should seek dental assistance.
Not treating gum disease can lead to periodontal disease and chance for the disease to spread into the blood stream. There are precautions you can take to avoid gum disease as much as possible. Rinsing your mouth after meals allows for bacteria to be halted in growth, as well as making sure food particles are rinsed away. Brushing and flossing is also a way to maintain oral health and promote healthy gums.
If you are suffering from gum disease, do not worry about the painful surgery. Again, LANAP is minimally invasive and the procedure destroys bacteria and dead tissue in the mouth. The laser thoroughly cleans any diseased areas, and prevents infections from forming. Because it is minimally invasive, the healing time is much faster than traditional gum surgery.
At the first moment you begin displaying signs of gum disease, contact your dental professional for help. Your dentist and their skilled team will be able to revitalize your gums health and demolish any disease from your soft tissue.